Sunday, March 2, 2008

60 Minutes, 3/2/08

Here is video from last night's 60 Minutes, giving an overview of the latest news from the trail in Ohio.

An excerpt:

In Chillicothe, people told 60 Minutes that both race and gender would both be hidden factors in southern Ohio - that many blue collar workers here won't vote for a woman and others would never vote for a black. And Sen. Obama has another problem: a malicious campaign against him that surfaced in a number of our interviews.

Schoenholtz told Kroft he is leaning towards Obama, but that there were a couple of issues he was "not too clear" on.

Asked what they were, Schoenholtz said, "Well, I'm hearin' he doesn't even know the National Anthem, you know. He wouldn't use the Holy Bible. He's got his own beliefs, got the Muslim beliefs. Couple issues that bothers me at heart."

"You know that's not true," Kroft remarked.

"No. I'm just...this is what I've been told," he replied.

"One of the things that we found in southern Ohio - not widespread, but something that popped up on our radar screen all the time - people talking about it, this idea that you're a Muslim," Kroft told Sen. Obama.

"Right. Did you correct them, Steve?" Obama asked.

"I did correct them," Kroft replied.

"There you go," Obama said.

Asked where this is coming from, Obama told Kroft, "You know, this has been a systematic e-mail smear campaign that's been goin' on since actually very early in this campaign. It clearly is a deliberate effort by some group or somebody to generate this rumor. I have never been a Muslim, am not a Muslim. These e-mails are obviously not just offensive to me, somebody who's a devout Christian who's been goin' to the same church for the last 20 years, but it's also offensive to Muslims. Because it plays into, obviously, a certain fear-mongering there."

Keep those phonebanks for Ohio (and Texas) lit up! There's so much misinformation out there that can best be countered with direct voter contact.

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